Full Time
Contact: Zasha Johnson
Phone: 701-742-2137
Email: auditor@oakesnd.com
View Online: http://www.oakesnd.com
The City of Oakes is seeking a qualified individual for the position of Public Works Supervisor. Candidate must have valid driver’s license and be able to run light equipment (bobcat/payloader/trucks). Must be able to become certified in water treatment, distribution, wastewater collection and treatment. Knowledge of plumbing and electrical a plus.
Job duties include oversight of public works employees, street maintenance, snow removal, park maintenance, lift station monitoring, water treatment plant coverage and light shop duties. Position works M-F 7am-4pm with some on call hours. Full benefits including paid health, life, retirement, vacation, sick days and holidays. Wage will depend on experience. Send resumes to City of Oakes 124 S 5th St Oakes, ND 58474, auditor@oakesnd.com or call 701-742-2137 for more information.