Community Connection for October 26, 2023

Things to celebrate…

On November 11, we’re excited to showcase all the amazing things our little town has to offer with the beloved “Oh Deer” shopping day! There are SO many things to check out, including a vendor and craft show from 10 am to 2 pm at Oakes Community Center, a fashion show from 10 am to 12 pm at Growing Small Towns, and TONS of deals to hunt throughout town! The fashion show is a ticketed event, so be sure to snag yours before they sell out! Go to to secure your spot right next to the runway! As usual, we are celebrating the amazing businesses that make Oakes such a great place to live AND visit! 

News to know…

According to the North Dakota Department of Tourism, pheasant hunting alone generates more than $47 million each year from out-of-state hunters. Residents contribute a whopping $53 million as well, but from a visitorship standpoint, the out-of-state money is a huge advantage. While we can’t easily break out the numbers for Oakes, it’s of note that even in the research, it shows that largely rural areas are the parts of the state benefitting the most from hunting. The reason this matters locally is to remember that we set a tone for whether people enjoy their experience in Oakes and choose to come back. So yes, it may sometimes be a little inconvenient to share our town with so many out-of-town people during hunting season, but their impact to our community is huge. 

Ideas to spread…

Don’t mistake a setback for a sign that you’re on the wrong path. It can be so easy to misread the challenges, obstacles and hard times we encounter—especially when pursuing something new or difficult—as a sign that maybe we’re not supposed to pursue it at all. Setbacks are just a part of the deal; in fact, if things feel too easy, that maybe should give you more pause than if things are difficult. If you find yourself in a spot like that right now, try to give yourself some grace. A helpful reminder to yourself can simply be that you’ll never be dumber about the thing than you are right now. Tomorrow, you’ll learn more and it’ll get easier. Just don’t quit.

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