Water and Sewer Department

water dept building

How to View Water Bills (free service)

Click Here to view your bill. You need to register in order to view your bill and receive notifications when bills are ready. Help us save money and resources, please consider opting out of receiving paper bills.

Monthly Water Rates (PDF)
Water Shut Off Request (PDF)
Oakes Water Assistance Fund Information (PDF)
Oakes Water Assistance Fund Application (PDF)

Water Meters

Water meters are read each month to determine water use for billing. The meters are read on a Sensus automatic reading system. Each meter has a device installed next to it that sends out a radio frequency. A computer and reader are equipped in a vehicle and "picks-up" the signals. Those readings are then loaded into the billing software and recorded into each individual account.

Meter Check Request Form (PDF)

Water Treatment

The Oakes Water Treatment Plant started releasing water into the distribution system on March 27, 2008. The plant is a nano filtration system that removes Arsenic, Manganese, Iron, Silica, and other materials plus softens the water. The gravity filters currently in operation lower the levels of the minerals and the nano filters will be used to soften the water. The nano filters are used to soften the water to 9 or 10 grains of hardness. The water will be softened using the filter system, no salt is used in this process. Chlorine has been added to our water according to ND Department of Health regulations but no fluoride has been added. The other chemicals added to the treatment process are Sodium Permanganate and polymer. These chemicals are also removed by the gravity filter and are not released into the drinking water. The reason for the addition of these chemicals is to assist the gravity filters in removing the Iron, Manganese and Arsenic from the water.

Click Here to view annual city water quality report.


The hydrants are flushed each spring and fall to remove sediment to keep mains working efficiently. You may notice a discoloration in the water. The discoloration is from the movement and removal of sediment in the old cast iron water mains. The discoloration will vary from day to day due to different areas being flushed and the change of the water from the treatment process. After we have completed your area of town, you will want to;

  • Run your outside water faucet until your water clears up or run the COLD water inside
  • Change or clean any water filters in your system.
  • Remove and clean the screens on your faucet nozzles.

If you continue to have water quality problems or water pressure problems after you have completed these items, you will need to contact the Water Treatment Plant. Please remember that the water quality issues will likely last for a few days as other hydrants are being flushed.


The sewers are flushed each fall to remove possible blockages that may cause problems once the temperature drops and to also keep mains working efficiently. You may notice an odor from the sewer. The odor will eventually decrease by the normal use of the water and sewer. The pressure used to flush the lines may also create a backwash into your system through toilets and other drains.

Monthly Sewer Rates (PDF)


The City has a lagoon system to treat its wastewater. The system is made up of 4 cells operated in a series. The cells are located to the west of the City just on the east bank of the James River. There is one large primary cell and three smaller secondary cells. Cell #1 is the south cell and is a 20.0 acre cell. Cell #2 is just to the north of Cell #1 and is a 12.91 acre cell. Cell #3 is north of Cell #2 and is a 10.7 acre cell. Cell #4 is north of Cell #3 and is a 9.3 acre cell. The lagoon system is discharged into the James River after all state and federal requirements are met and discharge permit is approved.

ND Dept. Health Water Quality NDPDES Waste Water Fact Sheet


City Shop - 701-742-2910
Cell - 701-710-1868
105 S 2nd Street

Water Treatment Plant - 701-742-4492
Cell - 701-840-0205
209 S 1st Street