Community Connection Column October 6, 2022

Stuff to do…

Before the weather turns colder, all we’re encouraging you to do today is: get outside and enjoy the fall! There is nothing quite like the fall in North Dakota, so take advantage of the opportunity to be outside, and while you’re out, smile and wave like crazy at everyone you meet. Soon enough, our casual run-ins will diminish because people just don’t spend as much time outside their homes once the cold of winter hits. Soak it up, friends! 

Things to celebrate…

Our community is filled with passionate, giving people. We want to celebrate that today. We might not always get along and we might not always see eye-to-eye about the best path forward, but overall, this is a community of dedicated people who want to make Oakes the best it can be. While passions often ignite and can create conflict, we’d rather have that than pure apathy. Let’s try to keep this in mind as we all work to bring change and fresh ideas to Oakes. We all want the best for this town; that’s great common ground to focus on when it seems like we’re divided on everything else. 

News to know…

Research shows that people will drive up to 70 miles for events related to the arts and culture. Because Oakes is about that far from larger communities where people might expect to find these kinds of events, we are positioned beautifully to capitalize on this fun fact! With every event, we can intentionally market to a 60-mile radius around Oakes and even include Aberdeen to draw new visitors. Oakes really is THE community to visit; we just need to remember that we have a bigger opportunity than simply marketing to the people that already live here.  

Ideas to spread…

Giving is personal. If you’re a part of a non-profit organization or a club that is ever responsible for raising money, this is THE thing to remember. When we treat donors like numbers, they feel like they don’t matter and will statistically give far less money than if the ask had felt personal to them. Know why your organization exists, who you serve, and why your community wouldn’t be the same without you. Then tell that story, in person, to the people you believe care about the same things. Raise more money with fewer donors and encourage all the other clubs to do the same. There’s always been enough to go around; we just aren’t stewarding it with as much alignment as we could.

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