Stuff to do…
This Sunday, you can enjoy a turkey dinner with all the fixings at St. Charles Fall Dinner! Text 701.290.7753 to place to-go orders or on the day of call 701.742.2418. Adults are $15, children ages 6-12 are $7, and children under 6 are free. Serving will begin at 11 am and last until gone.
Things to celebrate…
Despite a national recession looming, there’s an air of optimism and hope in the community of Oakes. Can’t you just feel it? We are going to see a lot of growth and change over the next decade and we hope that everyone will join in celebrating what that can mean for Oakes. Change can be hard and even a little scary at times, but with the young people already coming back to start businesses and build a life here, we think the future is looking so bright for our little town!
News to know…
It’s been a whole year since we revamped our community website and it’s been so fun to see the response to the updated look and feel of our new electronic billboard! We could still use a bit of help with a few specific areas: 1. Commercial properties for sale or rent 2. Existing businesses for sale 3. Daycares 4. Community events. It’s so much easier to market opportunities when they’re all found in one place! If you are a person or know a person who owns commercial properties or businesses for sale, we’d love to help you market them! Daycares are one of the first services people moving to town inquire about so we need to keep that list up-to-date! Finally, we all love events! We’ll all benefit if everyone gets used to posting their events on the website! Then, we can reliably check there when planning so we don’t double up unnecessarily! We want to thank everyone for the continued feedback about the site and the more we use it, the better it will be!
Ideas to spread...
Is there someone you’d love to share life with? A former colleague or friend that you’d do anything to have relocate to Oakes? Well, call them and tell them! The power of personal invitation cannot be understated and there is so much opportunity in Oakes! If every single one of us picked up the phone and called the ones we’d love to do life with, there’s no telling what kinds of things that could lead to. Think of the businesses you’d want here; what if we invited them to consider coming here and doing something similar? All of us know people; every single one of us in Oakes can be an ambassador and advocate for growth!