Things to celebrate…
Even though it might seem redundant—after all, we do live in a farming community and this routine of planting and harvesting never changes—it’s always good to take a brief minute and celebrate a successful harvest. We know that many farmers haven’t fully wrapped their 2023 season, but overall, we had weather that cooperated and we didn’t want to miss the chance to remind our farmers how much they mean to us all. Have you hugged a farmer today?
News to know…
This coming weekend, the amazing Community Puzzle will be back up for viewing at The Edge (the former ShopKo building). People came from far and wide to see this amazing community project while it was on display at Growing Small Towns and we’re thankful to Chris Schmit for being willing to host it long-term in his building. Be sure to stop and see the puzzle in its new home! And of course, invite your friends and family to come and see it!
Ideas to spread…
What if we measured a return on the investment of our dollars in something other than dollars? Sure, when we’re putting our hard-earned money into a project or idea for our community, ideally, we’d like it to generate a profit. But for many of the things that make our community as awesome as it is, there isn’t a clear profit to be gained and yet, money was still needed to make it happen. What if the return on investment was instead an increase in civic self-esteem, pride in the project, and love for Oakes? There are always going to be things that require our investment and will never yield a financial return; thank God for the people who know this and continue to invest in Oakes. We wouldn’t be where we are without people who believe in the emotional ROI of their invested dollars.