Community Connection February 16, 2023

Things to celebrate…

Last week, Oakes was visited by Kevin Wallevand with WDAY to air a special media clip about our community puzzle project! If you don’t even know what we’re talking about, Heather Roney, owner of Sweets n’ Stories had the idea for us to complete a 60,000-piece puzzle as a fun community-building winter project! She ordered it through a vendor and organized the people to each take a 1,000-piece puzzle. Once completed, the finished piece will be 8 feet by 29 feet and will be on display in Growing Small Towns in March. We’ll communicate the specific dates of the display once they’re nailed down, but in the meantime, go find the clip on and share the love for our awesome town! This was such a neat idea and everyone really came together to pull it off! Thanks for your passion, Heather!

News to know…

Through our healthy community coalition, one of the other priority areas we’re attempting to address is food scarcity. We want to do what we can to make it easier to get food into the hands of the folks that need it. So in addition to the great work being done through the Oakes Food Pantry and Tornado Watch, we have a Pop-Up Pantry located in the front entryway of the Growing Small Towns building at 510 Main Avenue. At any time of the day, you are welcome to bring food or take food. The front entryway where the pantry is located is always open. We encourage you to share this with your friends and neighbors. There’s no required paperwork and this area of the building isn’t monitored in any way. We wanted to remove every barrier possible for those that need help and for those wanting to help. The shelves are quite stocked right now and there are fresh onions and beans along with great recipe ideas from NDSU Extension. Please come and take what you need!

Ideas to spread…

We recently heard someone say, “If you stay in a bubble, you’ll suffocate.” We loved the imagery of this simple quote reminding us to intentionally push ourselves to do something different. Meet new people. Try new foods. See different places. As often as you can, just do anything differently. The skill of being open to and embracing change is like a muscle; the more you use it, the stronger it grows. After all, as we always say, “if we’re not growing, we’re dying”. Growth doesn’t have to look like big, bold moves. It can look like ordering something different on the menu. Break out of that bubble, friends!

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