Community Connection May 26, 2022


Stuff to do…

An open forum is being held to meet the candidates running for the Dickey County Comissioner positions in the upcoming June elections. The June ballot is a primary in that only the top 2 vote-getters from each district will be on the November ballot. There are currently 11 persons running for 3 district positions. The forum will be held at Growing Small Towns at 7 pm on Thursday, May 26 and we encourage everyone to attend to learn more about the candidates and their plans for the county. If you can’t attend live, the forum will be live-streamed to Growing Small Town’s Facebook page. 

Things to celebrate…

This season has been challenging, to say the least. With the rain that won’t seem to quit and a sun that makes itself scarce, it can be mentally taxing and emotionally draining. Throw in insane gas prices and fear of a recession, and it doesn’t seem that there’s much to be happy about. What we want to focus on are the things that ARE working for us. For one, we aren’t battling a drought like we were just a short year ago. Two, we are still far more connected to one another in our small town than people are in many other places. We can walk around town and see people we know and love. Finally, we have been through tougher times. In fact, we’ve got a 100% track record of getting through bad days and difficulties; that’s something to celebrate and remember when things are hard. We’ve got this! 

News to know…

Starting this month, Dickey County Public Health is organizing a community health coalition to address the health inequities that exist in Oakes. As this group forms, members will be encouraged to consider the ways inequities affect the overall quality of life for all of us and brainstorm creative ways to attempt to lessen them. More information will come as the group works on setting objectives and plans for the coming year. 

Ideas to spread…

No story, no problem! This is a little mantra we encourage you to consider using when dealing with other humans. When people show us who they are—and people usually do!—try not to add to the story by guessing what their intentions might be. Unless they decide to tell you, there’s no way of knowing, so it’s better to just assume good intent and save yourself the heartache of creating a bigger, uglier story. If you don’t add extra meaning and just take the facts as presented, you’ll be far better off in the long run.

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