Community Connection for July 28, 2022

Stuff to do…

Instead of telling you what to go do this week, we want to remind you that we have a Community Calendar on our website! Currently, most of our organizations aren’t using it to showcase their events and we really want to encourage everyone to start! If everyone gets used to posting their events to this calendar, we’ll eliminate scheduling conflicts and everyone’s events will be more successful! We added this feature to our website because we heard from so many people that they’d love to see one. It’s only as good as the information on it though, so let’s make it awesome! 

Things to celebrate…

This week, we celebrate the people who have lived in Oakes their entire lives. Our world is rapidly changing and we often get caught up in the language of adapting to that change and being progressive so we don’t get left behind as a community. None of that language is ever meant to say we don’t appreciate people who have always had a deep affinity for the Oakes community. Your tenure, dedication, and love for our town don’t go unnoticed. We’d love to continue to work with you to think about how we can keep the best of what we’ve been while also being mindful of important things that need to change so Oakes is vibrant for long after today. 

News to know…

At any given time, we (Kausha at the Oakes Area Chamber of Commerce and Rebecca at Growing Small Towns) are actively talking to several people about the prospect of moving to Oakes or starting a business here. This isn’t something we actively talk about because often, the people considering don’t want it shared. This again serves as an important reminder that our website was updated to make it easier for us (and anyone!) to invite and encourage people to move here. The website is for current residents, certainly, but its primary purpose is to showcase the incredible community that we get to call home and market our opportunities to people not living here so they’ll want to join us. Please, please, please look at the website. If you have a property to sell/lease whether residential or commercial, get the listings up! Help us, help Oakes!

Ideas to spread…

People support a world they help create. When we are trying to do things that rely on other people, if we can find a way to include them from the start, not only will they have a stronger sense of ownership in reaching the goal, but they’re more likely to champion the process as you go if they also had a hand in developing it. Far too often, we hold tightly to the way we do things and forget about the intention behind the thing we’re doing. Keep the goal in mind and let people help shape the path to get there. That’s the way to get commitment instead of just compliance plus it allows for new volunteers to get engaged.

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