Things to celebrate…
Earlier this week, we were walking around Main Street and we simply marveled at the amount of investment happening to the buildings right now! Currently, there are several businesses making significant improvements to their buildings—the full remodel of The Grand Theater, the JQ Clothing upper-floor apartments, roofs of The Bakery Shoppe and Sweets n’ Stories, along with improvements to the Quilt n’ Sew building are all underway! Now, all of these improvements might not seem like the sexiest of renovations, but we think that the improvement and upgrading of older Main Street buildings is absolutely something to celebrate! Thank you to these building owners for investing not just in their own properties, but in our community overall!
News to know…
If you are an employer struggling to hire qualified staff, we invite you to complete this survey:
Ideas to spread…
We recently came across the following words: “When you say ‘It could have been worse’, I fight the urge to reply with ‘Yeah, thanks. It could have been a whole heck of a lot better, too.’ While this is clearly meant to be tongue-in-cheek, it also serves as a great reminder to us all. In our attempt to support our loved ones and help them not succumb to the sadness of hard times, saying “It could always be worse” can come off as diminishing or a dismissal of their pain. Maybe instead, we could say “I’m sorry for your hurt/pain/heartache.” Full stop. There’s no need to compare the situation to anyone else’s; let people feel what they need to feel. This holds true for you, too. Don’t minimize your hard times just because they’re not as hard as someone else’s. After all, there is no prize for the hardest hardship.