Community Connection Column August 11, 2022

Stuff to do…

Today, August 11 at 5:30 pm, everyone in the community is invited to attend the butterfly release at the Healing Garden at CHI Hospital. The Healing Garden was created to be a space for anyone in the community, not just those currently admitted to or visiting someone in the hospital. Brogan Roney is working on building pergolas in the garden for his Eagle Scout project, creating some much-needed shade. Our community has been through so much and we want to encourage you to use this space whenever needed for quiet reflection or prayer.   

Things to celebrate…

Life. Let’s simply take the time this week to celebrate the fact that we’re alive. Our community has suffered tremendous loss in recent weeks and years. Our world wouldn’t be the same without you in it and we do have resources to help if you ever feel like you no longer believe that’s true. Our Community Health Coalition is working on some events to continue to raise awareness about and provide support to all of us regarding mental health. For now, just celebrate your breath and remember that we want and need you here. 

News to know…

The Chamber is still looking for volunteers to help with watering the flowers on Main Street and in the parks. Everyone has commented on how bright and cheery our Main Street looks but the flowers do need regular watering to keep them looking great. The watering takes about an hour from start to finish and the trailer can be connected to any vehicle with a hitch. If you, your family, or your business are willing to take a turn, contact Kausha at the Chamber office at 742.3508.

Ideas to spread…

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond. Our individual responses to stressors are a combination of our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. It’s tempting to blame the things outside of us when we’re unhappy; if the problems are all external, then the solutions are, too, and that’s a pretty disempowering way to think about the world. As you go about your week, consider the things, people, and situations that tend to create strong emotions in you. Try one tiny thing to improve your response, whether it’s not saying anything at all, counting to 10 before you speak, or walking away. We have agency. We have choices. We are far more in control of our outcomes than we tend to let ourselves believe.

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