Community Connection Column August 4, 2022

Stuff to do…

The Farmer’s Market is a great way to see what local people are making or growing and enjoy the beautiful summer weather in Oakes! Every Thursday, you can join various vendors in Hockenberry Park from 4 - 7 pm! 

Things to celebrate…

This week, a bus tour came from Fargo to Oakes to discuss ways in which our communities can partner together to create value for all. One of the things the bus riders commented on was the beauty of cornfields, open spaces, and expansive sky. Fargo’s skyline might not be full of skyscrapers like in much larger cities, but everyone acknowledged the change once we got further out of town. We can easily forget how incredible we have it! So today, take a minute, look around, and revel in the beauty all around us. 

News to know…

CNBC recently named North Dakota the 4th best state for developing a cryptocurrency economy. According to the article: “Low costs and smart regulation are making The Peace Garden State fertile ground for crypto, and the effort may be paying off. Last month, mining company Bitzero announced it will build its North American headquarters in North Dakota. The company, whose investors include Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary, is aiming to build an environmentally friendly bitcoin mining operation.” It’s an interesting time for North Dakota to explore the boundaries of what’s possible.

Ideas to spread…

There’s an improv technique called “Yes, and…” When the first person makes a statement, the only thing the second person can say in reply are those words followed by whatever they’re adding to the statement. It’s an activity to expand ideas and build on what’s being said or expressed. While most of us are not likely to find ourselves on a stage in an improv club anytime soon (Maybe a new idea for an Oakes business?) this is a technique that all of us can use in our daily lives. We are hardwired to say instead, “No, but…” which shuts down ideas and doesn’t create new ideas. Try out the words “Yes, and…” See what happens when you intentionally focus on being generous and expansive in your thinking instead of being closed-off.

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